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Green Dalton Committee

Green Dalton Committee

<b>Tree planting in Dalton, 1911</b>
Tree planting in Dalton, 1911

Established in 2013 by the Dalton Select Board, the Green Dalton Committee’s mission is to identify, investigate and recommend initiatives that protect the community’s natural resources and enhance environmental health and sustainability in Dalton. The Committee consists of up to seven community members appointed by the Select Board.

The Green Dalton Committee meeting times, agenda, and minutes are posted to

There is currently one vacant position on the committee. Please use the committee’s contact email or phone to inquire about volunteering.

Current Projects & Planning

Green Dalton Committee (GDC) projects and priorities for 2024 include:

  • Working with the community on Dalton’s Climate Action Plan (please see the 2024 Blue Strike CAP Proposal)
  • **NEW** Dalton Library thermal camera checkout program to help residents asses their home energy efficiency
  • Community composting recommendations
  • Continued electric vehicle and charging projects for the Town
  • Ongoing municipal building projects
  • Town green power generation
  • Tree planting opportunities and resources
  • Ongoing education and communication around targeted GDC projects

Additional detail for these objectives is available here: GDC vision for 2024

Past Events & Accomplishments

Climate Change Preparedness Forum, August 2023

MA Green Communities Program

Dalton is a Massachusetts designated Green Community.

As such, Dalton is eligible for state green grants intended to support projects that reduce energy use in municipal facilities.  Since its inception in 2014, The committee has secured over $385K in grants to finance these municipal energy saving efforts. These include installation of LED lighting in Town Hall, Library, Senior Center, the conversion of over 700 town streetlights from HPS to LED bulbs, the acquisition of two electric vehicles, insulation of municipal buildings and conversion of heating units from gas or oil to electric heat pumps.  These efforts have reduced town energy use by approximately 25% and utility expenses by $75K/year.

The committee continues to pursue annual grants of up to $200K to support efforts that promote community sustainability, including Massachusetts goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 85% by 2050 and achieve net-zero emissions.

Strategies & Incentives for Dalton Residents

You can make a difference. In addition to learning more about climate-friendly practices and technologies and using this worksheet to implement them in your home, there are currently many federal, state, and industry-sponsored incentives to assist Dalton residents in transitioning to many of those options. For example:

The Residential Green Energy Credit

Massachusetts Energy Rebates & Incentives

State and Federal Electric Vehicle Funding Programs

Industry-Sponsored Energy Efficiency Programs (Mass Save)

The Green Dalton Committee has also introduced a thermal camera checkout program at the Dalton Library to help residents assess their home’s energy efficiency.

Additional Resources & Information