Highway Department
Highway Department

The Town of Dalton Highway/Cemetery/Sewer Department is responsible for the maintenance and improvement of part of the town’s infrastructure: roads, sewers, drainage, cemeteries, and parks. The Highway department provides maintenance, plowing and sanding of streets, along with cleaning and improving sewer and drainage systems.
Check the Forms & Permits at the bottom of the page for downloadable applications and forms pertaining to this department.
Snow Parking
The winter parking ban is in effect from November 15th to April 15th. Any cars parked at the side of any road between 1 and 6 a.m. may be towed at the owner’s expense.
Street Lights
If a street light goes out, call the Highway Department at 413-684-6115
Tree Warden
The definition of a Town Tree is any tree having a trunk greater than one and a half inches that is on the public right of way. If any part of the trunk is on town property, the tree belongs to the town. Overhanging branches do not make a tree town property. The town does have a right to trim such branches for public safety purposes. Any tree that has been planted by the town that is not on town property is not a town tree. The tree becomes property of the landowner. State law allows municipalities to plant trees within 20 feet of the public right of way.
If you have questions about a tree, call the Department of Public Works at 413-684-6115.