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Town Manager

Town Manager

The Town Manager form of government for Dalton was enacted by the Massachusetts Legislature and signed into law by the Governor in September of 1995 as Chapter 137 of the Acts of 1995. Under this special act, the Town Manager is the Chief Administrative Officer of the town, responsible to the Select Board as the Chief Elected Officials of the town. The Town Manager is appointed by the Select Board for a term not to exceed three years, and may be appointed to successive terms. In November of 2001, the special act was amended to expand the Select Board from three to five members.

Tom Hutcheson, the current Town Manager, moved to Dalton to take the position on Town Manager in the spring of 2021 and began work on May 3, 2021. His past experience includes ten years as a Town Administrator, first in Northfield, then in Conway.

Dalton being a relatively small town, the Town Manager serves as Chief Administrative Officer, Chief Procurement Officer, and Human Resources Director. Among other duties, the Town Manager oversees all appointed department heads, including the Chief of Police, DPW Superintendent, and the financial staff; manages the preparation of the annual Town budget; prepares annual and special Town Meeting warrants; and oversees municipal procurement for both capital and operating items. See the full job description here. The Town Manager, Select Board, and Executive Assistant share a suite of offices in the town hall.

See a video of the Town here.

Curious about Town finances? Follow the links here, and be sure to select “Dalton” from the drop-down menu!

See the Town’s by-laws here; the zoning by-laws are Chapter 350.

At each regular Select Board Meeting, the Town Manager gives an update on recent activity. Please click on the bar below to see past updates.

Town Manager Updates

FINAL ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan


One-Day Alcohol License Application 2024


2 weeks notice required when filling out the form you will have to get signatures from the Police Dept., Building Inspector, Board of Health Agent and Fire Chief


Application for One-Day Entertainment License

2 weeks notice required when filling out the form you will have to get signatures from the Police Dept., Building Inspector, Board of Health Agent and Fire Chief

IFBs and RFPs

Tax Rate & Tax Bill Comparison for Berkshire County

Town Reports