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Get Ready for the 30-Day BEAD* Challenge

Dalton has been working with the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission to create a Digital Equity Plan for the town to help close the digital divide and ensure all residents have access to affordable, reliable internet and

the devices and skills they need to use the internet to its fullest.


Over the next 30 days (June 20-July 20), we are asking for your help with an important part of the planning process: The U.S. Census for Internet: The BEAD Challenge . The BEAD Challenge is a 30-day window, taking

place across the Commonwealth, during which residents and organizations will be working together to identify addresses where internet service is a) unavailable (UNSERVED) or b) slow or of poor quality



To get the word out about BEAD and why it’s important for all UNSERVED and UNDERSERVED addresses to be counted, we are asking you to share the attached information on your social media page, via your email or

newsletter lists, and on community bulletin boards.


If you have more questions, please contact Janko (413-684-6111 ext. 304), , or Jocelyn Latvalla (413.442.1521  ext. 36),


More information about BEAD will be coming soon. In the meantime, to see the addresses currently being reported as SERVED, UNSERVED, or UNDERSERVED, go to MBI’s BEAD Map here.

Click on the image below to go to the BEAD* Challenge Website!