Business Certificate
Persons conducting a business under any title other than the true name of the person, partnership or corporation, must file a Business Certificate (Doing Business As) in every community where an office of the business is located. Certificates may be filed in person at the Town Clerk’s office or submitted by mail with signatures notarized. Identification is required when filing in person. The filing fee is $35.00, which includes a certified copy of the certificate that must be posted at the place of business. A $10.00 fee is charged to amend or discontinue a DBA. Business Certificates are valid for four years.
Filing a DBA does not protect your name outside the Town of Dalton . If you wish to register a trademark or service mark with the State of Massachusetts, contact the Corporations Division, One Ashburton Place, 17th floor, Boston, MA 02108, phone (617) 727-9640. General information about trademarks may be obtained from The Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D.C. 20231, phone (703) 308-4368. Federal Information is available at 1-800-347-1997.